Sunday, 1 March 2015

Fantastic Journey: Age group Research

While doing my research for what I plan to do for my work, I decided to create some form of app/game for my age group (18-24). I researched the usage and downloads of apps within the recent year, and I found out that the age group below mine has the biggest amount of smartphone usage, while the downloads of games peaked while educational apps lagged behind.

This was my research from my Life cycle of Malaria as well as my research on games and apps. 

The image above is a research on smart phone ownership within the last few years and they stated that, 'Around 40 percent of 12-17 year-old teens and 40 percent of 45-54 year-olds reported owning a smartphone, as opposed to a more basic feature phone.'

The picture above is the market research on the most downloaded app within the recent years and it shows the games if the biggest Factor of the app world and behind it was educational apps and business apps.



  1. This is some pretty compelling research. Although I would also suggest to look for up-to-date information regarding the smartphone usage trend. The data you have is 3, coming on 4 years old and while the ratios between age groups has remained largely consistent, this is only for one year and it never hurts to be certain as trends can often be fleeting.

  2. Hi Marion - see link:

  3. Thanks for the update mark! its kinda hard to find resent update that's not a made up data or at least true i found there two as quite relatively useful info but i will see if i can find a recent one, thanks.
